Dead Sea – Your Ultimate Guide to the Dead Sea in Jordan – A Must-See Natural Wonder

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If you’re planning a trip to the Middle East, no journey is complete without a stopover at the world-renowned Dead Sea in Jordan. Not only is it one of the most extraordinary natural wonders, but it is also a hub of enchanting history, curative properties, and unparalleled beauty. Here’s everything you need to know about Dead Sea tourism in Jordan.

The Mystical Dead Sea

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The Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea, is one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water, with a salinity of approximately 34.2%, which is about 9.6 times as salty as the ocean. Located at the lowest point on earth, more than 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is bordered by Jordan to the east and Palestine to the west. The high salt and mineral concentration of the Sea provides a unique environment where life as we know it cannot exist, hence the name ‘Dead Sea‘.

Health and Wellness

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One of the key attractions of the Dead Sea is its health and wellness properties. The water is rich in minerals like magnesium, sodium, and potassium, which are known for their therapeutic benefits. Its mud is applied as a skin treatment, and the reduced UV component of solar radiation at the site offers a medically beneficial environment. Numerous spas and treatment centers around the Dead Sea cater to visitors looking to soak in the healing properties of this natural wonder.

Sightseeing and Activities in the Dead Sea


Float effortlessly on the surface of the water, read a book while bobbing on the waves, or indulge in a natural mud bath. The Dead Sea offers a unique experience that cannot be replicated anywhere else. Aside from the Sea itself, the surrounding area is rich in historical and natural attractions.


The Jordanian coast of the Dead Sea is home to several world-class resorts and hotels. These establishments not only offer luxury accommodations but also private access to the Dead Sea, spa treatments, and guided tours to nearby attractions.


The Dead Sea is easily accessible from Amman, the capital of Jordan, with a drive of approximately an hour. There are private car with driver hire.


The Dead Sea is not merely a tourist destination; it’s an experience of a lifetime. Its mystical waters, therapeutic mud, and ethereal landscape promise a journey that transcends the ordinary. As you plan your visit to Jordan, ensure that the Dead Sea is high on your travel itinerary.

Remember to respect the environment during your visit. Despite its name, the Dead Sea is a vibrant ecosystem that needs our care and conservation. Enjoy its beauty and benefits, but leave only footprints behind.